Four high-res 5MP cameras and new blue LED technology provide extraordinary speed and highly accurate color scanning. The four cameras facilitate the exacting accuracy required for production of high-quality implant bars, bridges, or other complex restorations while capturing the 3D data within a mere 15 seconds.
Engineered specifically for the production of precision dental prosthetics, the DWX-50, combining advanced features with exceptional performance, is the ideal wax, PMMA, and Zirconia milling machine.
Alpine Dental delivers instant, accurate shades for your implants, regardless of lighting conditions and other elements that may lead to improper shade measurements. Our Vita Easyshade Compact unit features a digital spectrometer and an LED fiber optic light source that rests on the tooth, allowing our technicians to accurately measure restorations before seating and to track bleaching progress.
Our Canon T2i Digital SLR camera contains a high-resolution 18.0 megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor that can capture stills at burst-rates of up to 3.7 frames-per-second. Alpine Dental uses the camera image enhancing Auto Lighting Optimizer and Highlight Tone tools to improve details in the highlight, mid-tone, and shadow areas to take accurate photos of your custom shades.
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